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Objectives and Aims

The word vivid and stylish says it all, it’s not just a healthy lifestyle or how to live longer or being healthy, it has more into it than to be just “fit”.

“Taking care of oneself” is what our motto is all about. It is my personal belief that if you have an interest in yourself by looking after your own wellbeing and how the world sees you are actually building a person who will be then a much better care-giver, supporter and empathetic to others. This person will not be a burden on others, society or the world at large. He or she will be the person who will always be there for others whenever someone needs him or her, may it be children, spouses, friends or other loved ones.

Don’t we all want to be “needed” and to outreach to others, or at least we think about it all the time, but how many of us ever actually became such kind of person. Being selfless, helping others in time of need and be a good parent, friend, neighbor, colleague or even sibling is what we have on our bucket list, but seldom ever we accomplish all of our goals of being compassionate.

Many people will argue that looking after oneself is a selfish thing, but to me, it is the most selfless attitude you will ever develop. When you are healthy, smart, attractive, fit, stylish, accomplished, sober, and being seen as benevolent, this is where you are the most valuable for others. As a Chinese philosopher, Chuang Tzu once said: “The perfect man of old looked after himself first before looking to help others.” Coping with life is good, but managing your life is a much better phrase I will use. The renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud said, “Being extremely honest with oneself is a good exercise”, and as we all know, honesty is the best policy, right?

It was my idea to talk with people at large about this, and with mutual discussion, tries to streamline the lives of individuals, especially women, who want to be there for others, but because of a lack of focus, self-confidence, a want for self-esteem, and/or purely because of scarcity of interest in one, that they fall short.

I am trying to make this blog a unique place in several different ways:
Ø  I will write freely here, quoting experts, bringing new ideas, researching other blogs, etc.
Ø  I invite all of you out there to be a part of this, either comment on what others have written or start a new topic by yourself. Other than discriminatory geographical, religious, linguistic or racial comments, everything will be published uncensored.
Ø   Everyone, especially women are encouraged to register with us and have a one-to-one video talk on Skype. Their personal problems will be highlighted and discussed. Moreover, we can have video conferences.
Ø  This blog is not meant for methods and advice for a healthy lifestyle, nor is it ways to teach you this and that. This is a personalized, individualized place for someone who wants to share, talk and prepare to let go of the burden. Revitalization and revolutionary approach in stylish fitness taken to the grass-root level, one person (especially one woman) at a time.
Ø  Weekly, a live video blogging will go on, which either will involve other people through comments or through Skype to take part in it.

This is my belief that people are out there who are not only in need of help, but there are several people who are totally willing to help others and as I always say, “Together we’ll do it!” So let’s get started.

Please remember two things before we delve into it that although women are a person of interest in this blog, men are free to join and are particularly welcomed. Secondly, although, the blog is written in English, videos, Skype or weekly live telecasts will be available in English, Urdu, and Hindi.

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” C. Joybell

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